Ver Midi XVII

Welcome to the XVIIth VerMidi website !


         The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has proven a powerful animal model for interdisciplinary research that includes evolution and development, studied at the mesoscopic, cellular and molecular levels, functional genomics and the control of gene expression, innate immunity, neurology and behaviour, control of cellular identity, or meiosis and separation of chromosomes, to cite a few. In addition, the nematode is used by several teams as a model for the study of human disease (myopathy, ageing-longevity, neuro-degeneration). This meeting will address the latest advances in several of these fields, as well as the technical challenges associated. In addition to a keynote address, oral presentations will be selected on abstracts, with an emphasis on young researchers and team leaders having recently started their group.


         The XVIIth VerMidi will take place at the IGBMC, in Illkirch (Strasbourg), Alsace.


 This year, Susan Gasser will give us the keynote address.


         Attendance to the meeting is free of charge but registration is mandatory. Please register on this website and then use the link to submit an abstract for an oral or presentation or a poster. The deadline for abstract submission and registration is December 13th, 2013. As usual, talks and posters will be exclusively in English.

Organiser: Sophie Jarriault

Scientific committee: Christelle Gally, Vincent Hyenne, Sophie Jarriault, Michel Labouesse, Sophie Quintin, Steven Zuryn





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